Wednesday 5 August 2009

Auntie's 60!

Well here we go with my first ever card upload to my newly created blog. A friend of mine asked me to make a birthday card for her Auntie who is going to be 60 at the end of this month. She is a young at heart 60 (so I'm told). Well I have developed this obession with fans and as I consider myself young at 37, I thought I would do one for her auntie. Of course it had to be super special didn't it so this is what I came up with.

First Timer

Well this is my first every time of doing a blog! I have set it up to share my hobby with all my friends in cyberspace. I love to make handmade card, craft, craft and craft that is my philosophy, lol. I get inspiration from lots of people and am lucky enough to know some really great crafters. When I get this blog thing worked out I am hoping to share some of my cards with you and I am hoping that some of you will actually look at my blog too, lol.

Bye for now xxxx